Stitched by McKenzie- inspired by her girls, Charlotte and Georgia Cate.

Two girls under two calls for lots of hand-me-downs. When my second daughter was born, I quickly realized her closet consisted mostly of her sister’s outgrown clothes. I was determined to make her clothes her own (and also have ALL the matching outfits) without spending a fortune, so I ventured out into hand embroidery. I quickly fell in love with all things hand embroidery and smocking. I love creating custom outfits that I hope to share with others. Whether it is a custom birthday dress, a simple name, or themed outfits (my early childhood education background loves a good theme)- each outfit is unique. What started out as a self taught hobby during maternity leave has become such a blessing to me and my family. I am excited to share with you other moms and your little BIG blessings! First and foremost, I am a wife, a mommy and a teacher. Orders are very limited so that I can manage my time and put my babies first. Please reach out with any requests so that I can do my best to provide and need your needs! Thanks so much!
